May 9, 2009

Lost Opportunities

The above photo was taken at Lars Anderson Park across the street from the boy's school. I drove by yesterday about noon, and the hill side was covered with dandelions creating almost a yellow mist effect above the emerald green of the grass. I couldn't stop to take a picture as traffic was heavy and I was on my way to meet a friend for lunch. I made a mental note to try for a photo later in the day when I would be picking up the boy from school.

I arrived a little early to give me time, I pulled into the parking lot, grabbed my camera and walked out to the street in anticipation. And this is what I found; sometime in the previous 4 hours they had mowed the lawn..

(I drove by again this morning on my way to karate class and noticed that dandelions were again beginning to appear. I'll keep my eye on the park for the next days and see if the effect returns.)

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